
The hike from Ystad to Haparanda lasts 6 weeks and is guaranteed to kick-start the year! Here you will find a motivational toolkit to get you started!

Spread the invitation to all your colleagues

You can, for example, print and place the invitation in the break room, hand it out to all employees or send it on via e-mail.

Present the step & activity campaign

Download the PowerPoint presentation with key points about the competition. It is a simple and short presentation you can share with any colleague or leader.

Put up posters

Download a poster about the challenge and hang it up at work where many can see it.

Collect registrations

We recommend that a person from the workplace makes a joint registration. The only thing we need to know when registering is how many you will be. (so we do not need the names of all participants). If you become more after the registration has been made, it is easy to make a late registration, we will help you!