6 major cities

Motivational toolkit

6 major cities

Campaign period: September 19 – October 31

For 6 weeks, you will log all your activity and virtually 'walk' through 6 European cities.

Spread the invitation to all your colleagues

You can, for example, print and place the invitation in the break room, hand it out to all employees, or send it via e-mail.

Present the step & activity campaign

Download the PowerPoint presentation with key points about the competition. It’s a simple and brief presentation you can share with all colleagues or leaders.

Put up posters

Download a poster about the challenge and hang it up at work where many can see it.
Do you need simple tips on how to add a few extra steps? Download our Everyday Tips posters!

Gather sign ups

We recommend that one person from the workplace makes a collective registration. The only information we need at the time of registration is the number of participants (we don’t need the names of all participants). If you have more people join after the registration, it’s easy to make an additional registration, and we’ll assist you!